Do you know any immoral heterosexuals?

Do you believe a homosexual is not one whit more liable to be a thief, a traitor, a rapist, a murderer than a heterosexual?

Do you think a homosexual loves his country and can and will defend it as much as a heterosexual?

Are you tired of seeing the phrase, "Drug addicts, homosexuals, and other criminal elements"?

Have you ever had the thought you would like to see all future heterosexual traitors to the United States referred to as "heterosexual traitors"?

Are you sick of having to put up with hearing heterosexuals giggle and snicker when talking about queers?

Do you believe that most heterosexuals have an almost unbelievably naive conception of what most homosexuals are like?

Have you longed to be able to astound some people by telling them how many friends they respect are actually homosexuals?

Do you think society is the loser by its misconception of, its prejudice against, and its laws against homosexuals?

Do you think that the feelings of Christ himself toward homosexuals was certainly different from the stand of the churches today? Do you believe that your homosexual acts are just as "natural" for you as heterosexual acts are to a heterosexual and that they make you a better human being and more useful to society?

Do you think that whether a person lives an honorable and useful life has nothing to do with the direction of his sexual feelings any more than skin color or religion?

Do you think other minorities have won honorable treatment by not merely passively accepting the situation but banding together and fighting to change it?

Do you think the sensible thing for a homosexual is to actively fight and contribute toward changing our situation instead of just passively accepting it?

K. O. Neal Associate Editor
